BRS -Standard Text
In L8MS results entry pages and nonconformity pages can utilise standard text for comments and actions. The standard text available can be extended by service providers/administrators as required.
Documentation to support L8MS BRS
In L8MS results entry pages and nonconformity pages can utilise standard text for comments and actions. The standard text available can be extended by service providers/administrators as required.
Service providers/administrators can add a list of standard folders, this aids the fast setup, and standardisation between, of sites.
In L8MS a selection of sites perhaps controlled by or belonging to one client can be grouped using, Site Groups.
Service providers/administrators can add assets in addition to the L8MS standard list.
Service provider admins can make additional nonconformity status options available to all of their users.
Tests that are validated automatically generate Nonconformities on result entry if the control limit is exceeded. Each Nonconformity should be closed out with notes on corrective actions or comments on decisions made.
In order to speed up setting up a site, L8MS locations can be imported directly from L8MS Risk using stored user credentials for (L8MS risk).
This help page covers working with Nonconformities on a single site. If Nonconformities are to be handled for groups of sites at the same time please see Site Group Nonconformities to the left.
Each property/individual building added to L8MS BRS can have site folders for sharing documents and files.
Each scheduled site in BRS has a 52-week task planner. This should reflect the programme of works due on the open site and quickly identifies the future tasks, tasks currently due, tasks assigned for completion, completed tasks and missed tasks.