Standard Assets
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Adding standard asset options
Service providers/administrators can add assets in addition to the L8MS standard list.Types of assets
In L8MS an asset belongs to one of two sub-groups: -
NOTE - The asset type names are important as these are used to fire default PPMs when the asset is added or imported. (See import profiles to the left)
- From the main left sidebar menu select ADMINISTRATION~STANDARDS~ASSETS.
- Click the add asset button to open the Add Asset window.
- The new asset can be added (typically to the company you are signed in under) to a Discipline, in this guide we are working with water and this should be selected.
- The new asset should then be added to Water outlets or Plant and equipment as best fits the assets type. With an order number simply to control the display order and an asset name.
- Click add button to update the list of standard assets.