PPMs Altering Tests
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Altering Tests in Master PPMs
A list of default tests are set up in master PPMs, tests can be added to or removed from master PPMs that belong to a service provider.Adding/Editing/Removing Tests in master PPMs
L8MS BRS supplies a selection of master PPMs with tests based on current guidance and our experience of how the water hygiene industry apply current guidance.
NOTE - L8MS master PPMS can't be altered by service providers. (See Adding/Copying PPMs to the left).
NOTE - The tests applied to an asset within a site can be individually customised for that site without affecting the master PPM (See Altering site tests to the left).
- From the main left sidebar menu select ADMINISTRATION~STANDARDS~PPMS.
- Click the options button and select view tests to open the tests window.
- The current tests in the PPM are displayed in a list, the list can be filtered by adding search text and clicking the filter button .
- A new test can be added to a service provider owned PPM. Click the add test button to open the test details window. (See below for details).
- Test can be removed from a service provide owned PPM. Click the check box to the left of each test and then the delete test button to remove the selected tests. (This action can't be undone, use with care).
- Test can be altered within a service provide owned PPM. Click the options button and select edit to open the test details window (see below for details).
- Click the save button to add the new test or update the current test.
NOTE - Test details.
Order number - Dictates the display order of the test.
Test name - A concise description of the test to be completed.
Is Retired - Keeps the test but it is shutdown for future tasks.
Test Type - Defines the type of information to be collected: -
On negative result - Appears for validated test and will send an email on failure. (Option currently under development and not functional).
- Number
- High limit - Nonconformity raised if the result exceeds.
- Low limit - Nonconformity raised if the result is below.
- Low result risk - Default risk applied depending on the degree of failure. (e.g Calorifier below 45, 50, 55, 60).
- High result risk - Default risk applied depending on the degree of failure. (e.g Cold water above 20, 25, 30, 33).
- Standard action - Can be used to hold text detailing the possible causes of failure and default corrective actions.
- Help Tip - Can be used to define the test process or methodology.
- Yes/No
- NA Allowed - Allows an answer of NA to be entered.
- Yes is bad - Creates a nonconformity if the answer is yes.
- Is Validated - If not validated nonconformities will not be raised.
- Risk Level- Default risk on failure (1 very low to 4 very high).
- Standard action - Can be used to hold text detailing the possible causes of failure and default corrective actions.
- Help Tip - Can be used to define the test process or methodology.
- Image - Used to collect a photograph.
- Text - Used to collect un-validated text.
- Calculation
- High limit - Nonconformity raised if the result exceeds.
- Low limit - Nonconformity raised if the result is below.
- Low result risk - Default risk applied depending on the degree of failure. (e.g Calorifier below 45, 50, 55, 60).
- High result risk - Default risk applied depending on the degree of failure. (e.g Cold water above 20, 25, 30, 33).
- Standard action - Can be used to hold text detailing the possible causes of failure and default corrective actions.
- Help Tip - Can be used to define the test process or methodology.
- Calculation Part 1 -
- Calculation Part 2 -
- Date - Used to collect a standard date answer.
- Time - Used to correct a standard time answer.
- Signature - Used to collect a signature (image file).
- Multiple choice -.
- Offers a list of answers to select from.
- Standard action - Holds the list of possible answers, each on a new line starting with a # (e.g. #Very low).