Adding PPMs
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Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM)
In L8MS PPMs are both essential, as they apply tests to an asset at defined frequencies and therefore are the basis of service visits, and vague in that a PPM name is simply a user recognisable description of a service routine we want to be completed. Tests can be added to or removed from any given PPM at a site level to meet the needs of that site (while retaining their original name/description).Copying and Adding new PPMs
L8MS BRS supplies a selection of typical master PPMs based on current guidance and our experience of how the water hygiene industry apply current guidance.
NOTE - Building PPMS from scratch adding all the required tests, test types and control limits is possible but can be arduous. It is generally easier to take a relevant L8MS BRS PPM, copy it and alter the content to suit the service providers/clients specific requirements. (L8MS BRS PPMs can't be altered by software users).
Adding a new master PPM
- From the main left sidebar menu select ADMINISTRATION~STANDARDS~PPMS.
- Click the add PPM button to open the PPM settings page.
- The PPM will be added to a specific company (typically to the company you are signed in under).
- The new PPM name should indicate the purpose of the routine (e.g. "Spa pool physical checks".
- Select the discipline (water) for the new PPM.
- Select the Frequency units (e.g. Monthly) for the new PPM.
- Set the new PPM interval (e.g. 3 for 3 monthly).
- Set the days the new PPM can be carried out as standard (Checked boxes).
- Set the list order position for the new PPM.
- If required set the missed visit default risk for the new PPM (1 very low - 4 very high).
- Set the days before the planned date that the PPM will become due for service (Perhaps 15 days for a monthly).
- Set the number of days allowed after the planned date for the PPM to become a missed visit (Perhaps 15 for monthly tasks).
- The "Has Rotational Outlets" option can be activated (solid green) or deactivated (outline). the number entered in the box below will rotate a list of assets. (e.g. if there are 4 outlets on a monthly PPM, 2 will appear on month one and two on month 2, and so on).
- Click the save button to add the PPM.
NOTE - The new PPM will have no tests until they are added.
Copying an L8MS master PPM
- From the main left sidebar menu select ADMINISTRATION~STANDARDS~PPMS.
- Click the options button and select the Copy PPM option to open the Copy PPM window.
- Select the PPM to copy.
- The PPM will be added to a specific company (typically to the company you are signed in under).
- The new PPM name should indicate the purpose of the routine (e.g. "Spa pool physical checks".
- Select the discipline (water) for the new PPM.
- Click the copy PPM button to copy the PPM.