Importing Locations/Assets (Spreadsheets)
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Assets (e.g. WHB) are allocated to physical locations
Each asset (an item of equipment e.g. WHB) needs to be connected to a physical location (e.g. 2nd Floor Gents Toilet - 2L36). planned preventative maintenance (PPM) tasks are then applied to each asset. The location allows easy grouping of PPMs with the specific assets present in a geographical location during a service task.Importing locations/assets
In order to speed up setting up a site, L8MS locations can be imported from a spreadsheet template containing system IDs, floor level, and a description of the physical location/room, floor and asset order numbers, type of equipment (asset), quantity and information on infrequent use/flushing responsibility if required.
NOTE - Importing locations and assets from Excel spreadsheet uses an 'import profile' to apply a user/company pre-defined list of PPMs (testing routines) to the imported assets automatically, according to their asset type. The required 'Import format' profile MUST be set up before using this method. (See related tasks).
NOTE - Import locations/assets from Excel spreadsheet must be carried out using a template downloaded from L8MS.
- From within a site select Edit Site/Locations from the left menu.
- Click the copy button .
- Click the download button to extract and download a blank spreadsheet template.
- Complete the spreadsheet and save to a know location.
- Select the company name for the import profile (Typically only 1)
- Select the require import profile (See related links).
- Click the Browse button .
- Select the require file saved above.
- Click the upload button .
NOTE - Spreadsheet items.
System ID = System identifications (these should already have been set up).
Floor = Level.
Location = Room.
Location Order = Keep locations close.
Type of Equipment = Asset e.g. tank/WHB.
Details = TMV, Sentinel etc.
Asset Order = Logical order of assets in location.
Amount = Number of assets.
Infreq = Blank if used regularly, 1 if little used
Responsibility = Code for commpany responsible for works.