1) Once logged in, navigate to, and click the sites button in the left menu.
2) Select the required site using the green binoculars.
3) Navigate to and click the Folders button in the left menu.
4) If folders have been added for the site they will be displayed.
5) Click on a folder icon to open that folder.
6) Files saved to the folder are displayed, click a file icon to download.
7) Clicking ‘Parent folder’ returns to the folder above the current folder.
8) From within a folder, navigate to, and click the blue ‘add new folder’ icon, top right.
9) Name the folder and click the add button.
Add a File
10) From within a folder, navigate to, and click the blue ‘add new file’ icon, top right.
11) Browse to the required file and click the Upload button.
Delete Files
12) Only users with the appropriate permission can delete files.
13) A red ‘delete’ button can be clicked displayed below the file.
1) Once logged in, navigate to, and click the Folders button in the left menu.
2) ‘Standard Files’ is a folder where L8MS can share to all users.
3) ‘Company Files’ is a folder where your service provider can share files with all their users.
4) ‘Site Group Files’ is a folder where files can be shared with users across a group of sites (Multi-site client).