Adding a User
L8MS BRS quick guide for adding a new user.
To add a new user you need to be an administrator, you can work out if you are an administrator because you will have a button called administration below dashboard on the left menu.
If you are not and administrator you will need to ask an administrator to put your new user on
Under the administration button click on “users list”, All the Current users will be listed.
To add the user click on the plus button.
Insert the new users e-mail address, this should be a real e-mail address as a confirmation e-mail, which is part of the first log in process, will be sent to the new user.
If you wish to manage the log in process, (for the new users first log in)add your email address to the parent email box. You will then get a copy of the registration e-mail sent to the new user.
Select the name of the company you want to add the user too, typically there will be one in the list.
Then select the software role: –
- Administrator – Able to add sites and users, customise sites and schedule works for completion on the mobile app.
- Client Administrator – Has access to the multi-site reports and non-conformity tools but can’t add users, alter standards or master PPMs.
- Service Provider Technician – Broadly the same functions as a user but slightly customised for service provider staff.
- Mobile App User – A user level set up to use BRS Manage Mobile only (Limited web functions).
- User – The standard level for entering and viewing results and nonconformities.
- User Operator – Matches a user to a simple task list on the dashboard (e.g. site staff conducting flushing).
- Folder only – View and add to the site records folders.
We now need to set up the users role & Restrictions, clicking the ellipsis at the end of the user row
Use the column filters to cut the list down to the sites the new user needs access to.
Tick the boxes on the left (or use the tick all function) and then the Alter button
Set the site level user permissions
- Admin – Able to customise site schedules and most other tasks.
- User – Likely the most common access level, view and add results, folders and view non-conformities.
- Operator – Results view and entry only.
- Responsible person – Able to view results (not enter results) and view and edit non-conformities.
- Site contact – View only access to reports for the site & site folders.
- Folder only – View and add to the site records folders.
The auto send work option will issue planned tasks to the works schedule (Available for mobile download). This is useful where the same user completes tasks regularly.
Get emails when new files are uploaded, sends an email to the user when a new file is added to a folder.
Get emails when risk is equal or greater, sends an email when results entry causes a non-conformity at or above the level of risk selected.
Responsibilities Tab – Ensures that work scheduling only includes tasks that are the responsibility issued to the task (i.e. the service provider and not client tasks). Highlight the responsibility row (holding down CTRL allows multiple selections if needed).
Save to make the changes
Copy button – Allows you to copy the settings of an existing user to the new user.
Change Role
The change role option allows adjustment of the software role for the user
If the user is going to use the mobile application for results entry the Mobile Access button must be ticked.
Clicking Change will update the changes.
If a user forgets there security question answer this can be reset here by an administrator.
Managing access
If an administrator wishes to control staff access then they can use the L8MS copy email to log into the system and ensure access is as required. This is best done by opening an incognito window in Chrome and heading to